
文理学院 STEM Education

Dr. Sibrina Collins is serving as the Executive Director of STEM Education for 利记sbo’s 文理学院 (CoAS). In this leadership role, 她将与CoAS的教员合作, students, and staff, 重点关注以下几个方面, namely Curriculum Development , 研究及奖学金 , Grant Writing , and Teaching .  这个角色还允许与校园内的其他项目合作. Dr. Collins also has an appointment as Associate Professor of Practice in Chemistry in CoAS. 

Curriculum Development

How do we effectively leverage the cutting-edge research from CoAS faculty to build more effective bridges to historically underrepresented communities and K-12 schools?

Dr. Collins will partner with CoAS faculty in all three departments to develop lesson plans based on published research to engage current 利记sbo students in the classroom, which will further enhance CoAS initiatives to build a more inclusive curriculum and extend our CRE program.


Dr. Collins’ research and scholarship are uniquely positioned at the intersection of STEM education, DEI (多样性、公平和包容) and storytelling 在高影响力期刊上发表多篇文章,解决STEM领域的公平问题. 最近的文章已发表在 Nature Chemistry , the 化学史通报 , and Nature . 最近,她担任了新书的编辑, 非裔美国化学家:学术界、工业界和社会企业家精神 , 该报告于2021年5月由美国化学学会出版.

Grant Writing

Dr. 柯林斯目前担任几项针对K-16学生的STEM教育补助金的PI. 她将与CoAS的教职员工合作,以获得STEM教育资助, where we can provide financial support for current Blue Devils and future Blue Devils .


在2021年春季和2022年春季,博士. 柯林斯教授CURE/CRE社会科学研讨会课程的主题是, “Science, Gender and Race” and “Equity and History of Science” with engineering and architecture students in the Department of Humanities, 社会科学与传播学.

stem-centerDr. Sibrina Collins

科学中的讲故事, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) provides resources for educators to incorporate storytelling into their courses and engage students in the classroom. Storytelling in STEM education as a pedagogical tool provides an alternative learning format for students to discover more about the people behind the STEM innovations that impact our societies. 我们的核心研究问题是:讲故事是如何, 作为教学工具影响STEM身份, 对STEM学科的坚持和承诺? 这个研究项目是由博士领导的. Sibrina Collins, Executive Director of 利记sbo’s Marburger STEM Center; Dr. Michelle Nelson, Postdoctoral Researcher, 文理学院, 利记sbo; and Dr. 蒂芙尼·斯蒂尔,罗切斯特大学助理教授.


C ourse  B ased  U ndergraduate  R esearch  E xperience

A key goal for the 利记sbo’s Marburger STEM Center is to revolutionize 利记sbo’s undergraduate STEM education initiatives.

Course-based research experience (CRE) or Course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE), 对本科教育的干预是新颖的吗.

We develop and implement pedagogical methodology for integrating research in undergraduate courses in different disciplines to enhance 利记sbo education.

Our efforts have led to several peer-reviewed publications with 利记sbo student co-authors in high-impact journals.



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STEM center cre

King Chavez Parks (KCP)

Lawrence Tech is proud to continue our partnership with the state of Michigan's King Chavez Parks (KCP) Initiative to expand support for students who are financially or academically at risk, 非传统或第一代, 或者来自传统上服务不足的人群. 该计划的命名是为了纪念民权先驱马丁·路德·金.凯撒·查韦斯和罗莎·帕克斯. 





The State of Michigan has renewed the 利记sbo MiCUP Grant entitled   通过课程研究的社区学院STEM桥梁项目.

This effort is in collaboration with Henry Ford Community College (HFCC) and Macomb Community College (MCC) to engage students enrolled at HFCC and MCC through faculty-led workshops focused on various topics including Media Studies, 虚拟现实和医学中的分子.

MiCUP Research Topics

FERPA Release Data

Workshop Feedback Data


Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) is a Detroit-based non-profit that provides STEM programming to underrepresented metropolitan Detroit youth in kindergarten through 12th grade. 以及它的企业和八所大学合作伙伴, DAPCEP服务超过4个,每年有1000名学生免费就读. See more information  here .


Hidden Figures No More: DADA Funds 利记sbo Computer Science And Mathematics Program For High School Girls










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Could we make Vibranium?







The 利记sbo MICUP Site will host 15 Scholars per summer for six years and will be administered through 利记sbo’s 文理学院 (CoAS) impacting 90 community college and transfer students. Our project will provide talented community college students (MICUP Research Scholars) with a four-week summer immersive learning summer experiences using diverse technologies such virtual reality (VR), applications of physics, chemistry, mathematics, 人工智能和人文领域.

请填写以下申请,选择为MICUP研究学者! 申请截止日期为2月16日 .


Research Topics PDF

生成人工智能小说(Dr. Paula Lauren)
Dive into the future of storytelling with our fourweek intensive course on Generative AI in Fiction. 到节目结束的时候, not only will you have a profound understanding of the interplay between AI and fiction, but you'll also have a masterpiece that's a blend of human creativity and AI capabilities.

人工智能艺术(博士. CJ Chung)
Generative AI art is created by deep learning models that are trained on existing art. The models learn styles of art images and then generate new art when prompted by a human through text. This research project will explore, experiment, and evaluate generative AI art technologies/tools.

底特律工人阶级文学(博士. Paul Jaussen)
This project will focus on archival research to examine and explore the way Detroit’s unique culture of factory labor served as a backdrop to literary production.

沉浸式虚拟现实的社会影响. Franco Delogu)
This research area will provide students with a direct research experience with Virtual Reality research. The experience includes both theory and practical activities and focuses on how VR can impact society via virtual training, testing and assessment.

化学与催化剂的发展(博士. Meng Zhou)
This project focuses on the synthesis and characterization of a metal catalyst to produce urea fertilizer from carbon dioxide.

社区物理学(博士). Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya)
本研究项目以计算机为基础,重点研究理论粒子物理. The Scholars will receive hands-on training in the mathematical and programming software to conduct research.

社区中的数学生物学(博士). Matthew Johnson and Dr. Bruce Pell)
This experience will include two weeks of instruction followed by two weeks of research focused on mathematical biology. This research project will use mathematical modeling to investigate the impact of COVID-19 within our communities.